How to achieve your goals - 3 reasons you don't and what to do about it

How to achieve your goals - 3 reasons you don't and what to do instead - goal setting tips for female entrepreneurs - 2020 goal planning - plan ypur life

How to achieve your goals! 

3 reasons you’re not achieving your goals and what to do instead.

In this video I’ll go over 3 common reasons we dont reach our goals and 3 tips to overcome them.

We’ve all been there, set goals that flopped. In the video I share tips and hacks that will help set you up for goal setting success! After all we don’t want to just set goals, we want to achieve them!

I cover things from what can help us be committed to our goals, what can help wire our goals into our brains and how emotion/feeling can help.

As we end 2019 and approach a brand new decade, 2020 I want us to smash your goals out of the park!

A brand new decade and a new year to help us focus in and set goals that align with our values, goals that will excite us and get us jumping out of bed each morning!

A brand new decade to start it the way we want to finish. STRONG!

A brand new decade to let go of the past and set our intentions for the future. If 2019 was good to us, then let it be 10 times better. If it wasn’t how we wanted it, then make it 100 x better with goals you will achieve.

Watch the video or listen to the podcast and leave your comments. What goal will you be working on? 

To download the free printable goal planner mentioned the link is

To check out the life planner, click here.

Listen on the podcast below or watch the video undeath


Hi I’m Chi from Called Out Living! welcome to today’s show.
Today I’m going to be talking about three reasons why you aren’t reaching your goals. So number one you haven’t written them down. 
Usually we’ve got a lot of ideas but these goals and dreams, but they’re all stuck in our head. But they’re in our head so we end up forgetting about them. We don’t prioritize them. They just come and go as ideas but we don’t really do much about it. So I think it’s really important that you write your goals down and writing goals down helps to really solidify it, make it something concrete. 
There’s a connection between your brain and your hands so when we write things down they kind of get in our mind a bit more. They’re going to get into our brains, our brain are thinking about it more.  Our subconscious is thinking about it more, so it’s working away in the background thinking about what we’ve written and how to kind of make those things happen!
And I also think it’s very important to write goals down because it’s also a commitment to yourself because I think when you write it down you are saying yes I’m going to do this! I’m serious about this! 
So it’s it’s giving you extra commitment. Another great reason to write your goals down is to go over them and to read them. So don’t just think about them and write them down BUT also check them over! Don’t write it in the back of the notebook leave it for a year and wonder oh! What happened last year? I didn’t do those things.
You’ve got to read the goals over! 
Some people actually do this every single day. Some people look at their goals every day and write them out every day. I think once a week is still helpful even if reading once every couple of weeks. 
But just don’t leave it a year before you check your goals and what you’ve written down. 
So that’s number 1. 
Why aren’t reaching your goals. You haven’t written them down. 
Number two your goals are too vague. They’re very wishy washy they’re kind of vague.
For instance your goal is I want to get fit or I want to do better in my job. But what does that mean? How do you how are you going to define that? How are you going to know if you if you’re doing your goal or not? 
So you need to give some more details. You need to give some type of time frame. Think about the tools you need or the skills. What needs to happen for this goal to come true? What needs to change?
Give it some detail, give it quantity, quantify it. So for instance you’ve got a goal of being more healthy. So what does that look like for you? Is that committing to do some movement three times a week? Is that committing to eat 40 percent vegetables at every single meal? Is it a weight loss goal or an inch loss goal? Is it a goal of reducing body fat? Give it some details and given time frame,  is it three months?  And also add in those habits that you’re going to do that are going to help you stay on track with it.
So number two reason why you can’t reach your goal is because your goal was too vague. 
Number three reason is you don’t have a big enough why or you just  don’t care about the goal. 
So you’ve made a goal but honestly it’s not your goal, it’s the goal you think you should have! It’s the goal Society tells you should be your goal. Maybe it’s you know get married and have two kids by the time you’re 30. Perhaps your’re size 16 or 18  and you think I need to lose weight and be a size 12.
And every year you write that down lose weight lose weight. You never do because  you just don’t care, you’re happy. If it wasn’t for everyone else in society you’d actually be quite happy. You really don’t mind, you don’t really want to do the work it would take to be a size 12 and that’s fine. Just be honest with yourself. Is this your goal or is this a goal you think you should have? Is it a goal that you feel a pressure to to write down because of a spouse, family, friends, society. Basically other peoples goals. So you’ve got to actually want to do that goal you’ve got to actually be passionate about it.
You cannot write other people’s goals down as your own! Have a big enough, WHY. Because when you do start working towards those goals there’s gonna be challenges, there’s going to be tricky times, tricky moments. And if you don’t have a big enough WHY, you don’t have that motivation that’s big enough! 
You’re just going to kind of give up, you’re going to find yourself  being more sporadic, leaving a long time time go before you find yourself  working towards that habit again or that goal. So make sure you have a big enough WHY. A big wHY is  going to push you through the hard times through the challenging times.
So those are just three reasons why you aren’t reaching your goal. 
Number one you have it written down. 
Number two, your goal is too vague. 
Number three you don’t have a big enough WHY. 
I hope those tips are helpful, I hope those three reasons have given you something to think about.  That you can go away and think Which one is stopping me? Which one of those is affecting me reach my goals. Then you can reshape, reframe your goals. 
If you want some more resource resources on it you could check out the blog or you can check out my life planner which actually has a lot of exercises and details. 
You’re going to be looking at your dream life, you’re going to be thinking about your ideal day, you’re going to be looking at what habits to build that  help you with your goals. When you come to writing your dreams or goals there is going to be structure.
So you’re going to write you’re WHY. You’re going to be putting a time frame to it and that’s going to really help. So you can check that at and if you love hearing about goals and  self development, you want to know more than subscribe, like, share this video and check out the website.  I’ve also got a free goal planner