no more waiting

Choose your dreams today

This is for you if:

  • You are a woman who is no longer satisfied with coping with life and wants to take charge of her life.


  • You have a deep feeling that life is more than the everyday rushing around


  • You are big-hearted and care about others as well as yourself.


  • You want creativity, beauty and passion as part of your everyday life.


  • You have big goals but she wants to enjoy her journey too


  • You want to uplevel your life in different ways, stronger loving relationships, secure finances, fun with your clothes, make time for what matters.


  • You want to make a change with others, maybe you don’t have any or many in-person friends who understand the shift you feel.
membership for women to craft their dreams
  • Self care planner printable on enrolment
  • Life Planner Printable on enrolment
  • Quarterly:

Quarterly review and goal setting (from Life planner)

  • Monthly:

Monthly live call on topics around goals, self care, style, home, decluttering, self belief.

(Based on the monthly prompts in the self care planner)

Calls are likely to be Thursday 8-9 pm G.M.T but we will try different things to see what works best for everyone including myself and my family

 Replays will be available

Monthly goal setting live call, create our monthly roadmaps together (from the life planner) and be accountable

Replays will be available

  • Weekly:

Weekly Check-in on Facebook

  • Mini challenges to help us implement the theme

I want you to feel ease when you consume the content in this membership/program. I don’t want to it feel overwhelming or add to your to-do pile.

This means there won’t be a zillion workbooks, the planners will act as our workbooks and a personal journal to do deeper on the monthly themes.

I’m running this membership in line with my life dreams which means it’s a beautiful bonus to my life, not another standard to live up to or ‘work to do’. 

I want you to feel the same when you are part of it.

Hi, I’m Chisomo

I’ve created this membership to help take my customers further.

I realised that while my planners were super helpful at helping you figure out your dream for your life, often we need accountability, community and support to keep going.

In my self care planner I have monthly prompts on what it looks like to take care of yourself across 10 areas of life such as relationships, work, home etc but I wanted to take this deeper by creating a  coaching program/course that goes deeper into these areas. 

Together we’d decide on what we wanted our lives to look like across those areas and make instant and easy changes to start to craft our dreams in our everyday lives.


I love big dreams and life goals but often that sees us waiting for something far off in the distance.


What I started experimenting with the last few years were smaller changes I could make that day, week or month that would bring me the same feelings that reaching my goals would.

Crafting your dreams in my world simply looks like finding the best possible outsome, where you are, as you are with what you have.

When we see it that way, we can always craft our dreams. 

No more waiting.


We don’t have to wait for the pay rise, new job or home, the partner, the babies, to lose weight or anything else in our distant future.


We get to craft our dreams today and everyday.


Simple tiny shifts.




If you join for the year you get bonus access to ALL my printables! This is worth over $100!

This membership is being offered at a low price as it’s new and we’re building it together. As time goes on the price will go up.

Anyone joining now get’s to pay the same rate for the whole time they are a member.

If you leave and rejoin, you rejoin at the higher rate.

This is a non refundable payment

Life isn’t a science, it’s more of an art.

As we journey together, I will share and talk from my experience BUT you have the answers.

You know deep down what you want from your life.


My role is to draw that out, get you thinking and widen your horizons as to what’s possible for you. 


Think of me as your life cheerleader!


Too often I see women (like me some years back) who are just too scared to go for what they really want.

They don’t feel worthy, they martyr then feel resentful and put themselves at the bottom of the to do list. 


Crafting your dreams is as real and everyday as a life where you:


  • Ask and share household or childrearing responsibilities
  • Choose work or not, to suit your life and values (example being wth your young children)
  • Wear clothes you love regardless of your size
  • Carve time our daily for what makes you feel good mind, body, heart.
  • Going out as a mum just because you’d like to, why should dads get all the fun?
  • You share your passion or gift with the world
  • You have a cosy or calming corner or space that decorated in a way that light’s you up
  • Intentional time with your loved one
called out living profile photo goal setting

What does it mean to craft your dreams?

This isn’t the place if you’re after the Insta influencer lifestyle.

Crafting your dreams around here weaves the every day with those dreamy goals.

You get to define what that means for you. You get too choose what success is.

For me crafting my dreams looks like living my values through my work, vocation, serving.

It looks like:

  • being the main caregiver for my children and creating work around that, and earlier being home full time.
  • creating a stronger marriage with my husband, falling deeper in love and making time for each other.
  • expressing the me on the inside, on the outside through my hair, clothes and home style.
  • me doing work or volunteering /serving that positively impacts and inspires others.
  • my Christian faith being the foundation of how I live, treat others, bringing love and grace to all I do.
  • Supporting charities and using my wealth and abundance to bless others too.
  • creating a home that is vibrant and inspiring but lived in and family friendly ( I’ll always have some piles of random stuff)
  • giving it my best, letting go of perfection, and being happy with small but steady growth and forward progression

It Starts with the dream manifesto:

This is for her.

For her to dream.

For her to hope.

For her to express her creativity.

For her to pave her own way.

For her to dare believe she can and dare to try.

For her to show up boldly in her life.

For her to impact her world.

For her to know her worth.

For her to do it scared.

For her to drown out the voices of can’t.

For her to know what she wants from life and go after it.

If this speaks to you I’d love to invite you to join us !

Let’s co-create a space for us to thrive, to level up in all areas of our lives. A place where 1% better is celebrated, because you’re committed to the slow but steady pace, this is a lifelong journey after all!

If you know you want to change things in your life, or already have started but would love the camaraderie of sisterhood and accountability then this is perfect for you.

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