I’m a wife and mom of two super cute kids, ages 2 and a half and 7 months. I thought I was going to be a film producer (that’s what I studied in school) but it didn’t fit with the lifestyle I wanted, so I started soul-searching while raising my babies to figure out what I would do next.
I had severe postpartum depression and anxiety after the birth of my first child. I was in denial for a long time and also had no idea how to get help. I’ve always struggled with depression and anxiety, but it was much worse after becoming a mom. After accidentally finding a video on YouTube of a young woman sharing her struggle with depression, I realized that I could share my struggle and my journey to healing to help other people. I created my very first video in May 2017.
The limiting belief I struggled with the most was that I can’t help anyone until I’m completely healed. I didn’t want to share my journey, my mess ups, my current struggles. Over time, I’ve realized that I can help people by sharing the journey as I’m currently on it. That limiting belief was trying to protect my pride and my ego. Brené Brown’s book, Rising Strong really helped me own my story and be proud of where I am and where I’m going.
That I have something to offer people now. I don’t have to wait 10 years and have 5 college degrees to offer value to people and to help people. I have to keep reminding myself, to be humble, accept imperfection and serve others not my ego.
Launching my first online course on how I make sit-down YouTube videos. I asked myself, “What do I know how to do that comes easily to me but might be hard for others?” That’s how that course was born, and it’s proven to me that I can create value and put it out there for others!
Charge for your products. It’s okay. You’re worth it. I already give away free content on YouTube. It’s okay to make sure that I get value back for putting value out into the world.
Super important. It’s so important to set intention. I used to be scared to set goals because of fear that I’d not reach them. But I’ve reframed and now I see goals as intentions, almost like putting a request out to the universe of what I want out of life. Once my intention is set, I strive toward it with faith that I will figure it out, and I’ll get what I want.
Self care for me is listening to my body and giving it what it needs, even if it’s inconvenient, even if it costs money or time. Self care is a reminder that I don’t get to trade in my body and mind, I get one of each, and I need to take care of it.
Yes, I experience anxiety regularly. But, I’ve been doing a lot of inner work and going to therapy weekly, so it’s taken a backseat, and I’m in control now. It’s not completely gone away though, and that might be because it runs in my family. Self care, journaling, therapy, asking myself questions like, “Why am I feeling anxious? What can I do about it?” and getting help with my kids have all been very helpful. Also, saying, “No.” I used to be a people pleaser and always say yes. Now, I limit what I’m allowed to say yes to and I don’t over-commit myself to anything or anyone.
Develop self-awareness. Get in touch with yourself—why you’re hurting, why you’re scared, what makes you happy, what makes you feel fulfilled. With this knowledge, you can begin to craft the life you want instead of living the life that others want you to live. When people are stuck in life, it’s not due to a lack of motivation. It’s because they don’t have clarity on who they are and where they want to go.
You can find Mia at
WEBSITE: www.miahemstad.com
INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/miahemstad
YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/channel/UC3GSU5gBPXiZKBjLpFxISHQ