Sometimes life throws you a curve ball. Things happen, stuff goes wrong. When it does, it’s so easy to fall into a despair, feelings of hopelessness or hurt that have you feeling anxious, angry or resentful.
The situation may be work or personal, a redundancy, perhaps a broken friendship or marriage. What ever that’s happened it feels hard and painful to cope with. Perhaps you’re harbouring resentment or even hatred towards a person or persons.
Whether you believe in God, karma or science we all know that holding onto hurts, unforgiveness and hatred ultimately hurts us the most. It will eat at you, and the stress of it can negatively impact your health.
When you can’t change the outcome, you can’t control what has happened and how then there’s just one thing left to do.
Here are 3 journal prompts that can help you reframe your situation in a better way. Take soem time out to do some thinking and writing and find the silverlinings in your current storm cloud.
It’s not easy. It’s a choice. Some days you’ll feel good about it and other days will be a struggle. When you you have those tough days, you’ll have this journal printable to read over.
So here’s the 3 things that you can do to help take charge of your reaction.
1. Think about all the good things that came out of that situation. Did you learn something new? Did you meet some amazing people? That relationship that didn’t work out, did you learn something of yourself? Did that person help you in someway or cause you to grow? Did you choose a better way because of it? Did you realise that something in your life wasn’t beneficial to you causing you to develop new better habits?
There’s always something to be grateful for, growth that we experienced. Write these all down. Keep coming back to them when you feel hurt, frustrated or resentful. Remind yourself of the good that had come out of it.
What’s the best thing that happened? How did it help you find a better way, be a better person? Write that down on the bottom of the sheet.
On the second sheet, you’re going to think of all the amazing things that could happen. What new opportunities are now open to you? What things are you now able to say yes to? How can you make things better? How can you change direction for the better? What exciting things can you start doing or learning? What did this situation put a spotlight on that you know needs to be worked on? Get excited about all your future opportunities and write them down.
This situation may have caused you to feel guilt, shame or feelings of unworthiness. It’s time to let go of that. What positive quote, words, or religious verses give you hope and encouragement? Write this down and read it when ever you feel bad.
These excersies don’t need to take a long time, if you want to spend more time on it you can. Perhaps you want to do 2/3 sheets? What ever has happened, look forward, let go of the hurt and move onto bigger and better things. Life is waiting, so go live it!
Download your free printable below!
Would love to know how you use your worksheet. Tage me on social media #itstartswiththedream #calledoutplanners
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