Why is self care important?Β Listen to the podcast or read the blog below. Scroll down to find the download link for the free planner.
We are living in such fast-pacedΒ lives. We’re connected to technology most our waking hours. We consume in a day more information than our grandparents did in years. We find ourselves constantly bombarded with messaging on TV, magazines, radio, Social Media and music that mostly creates a sense of ‘not living up’. Put that all together and it’s no surprise we are experiencing burnout, depression, anxiety and overwhelm in such large numbers.
With all that to contend to, self care becomes an important tool to use in life that can help with stress relief, bring contentment and improve our wellbeing.
Rewind 4 years back and I was dealing with postnatal depression. It was a hard time in life. I was dealing with losing my grandmother, my father was diagnosed with cancer and my second son was unsettled difficult to feed and work all through the night. I was quite frankly, a mess. It was the darkest time of my life.
Eventually, I sought help and learnt CBTΒ (cognitive behavioural therapy)Β techniques to help me in the moment. I decided not to take medication though I do believe this is the best course for some. Please speak to your GP and get specialised support if you are feeling low or struggling with day to day activities. I realised that I wanted or needed to change some things in my life as well as having the CBT tools to help me in the present moment. This is where dreaming and planning came in. To me, this was a gamechanger.
I started to listen and read and watch personal growth shows and books, as well as my Christian faith these things helped a lot. I started to understand patterns of behaviour and thoughts that I had and the impact. I realised a lot of my frustration was also due to the feeling I had no say in life and it was happening to me instead of for me. So I started to dream and think of what I actually wanted my life to look like and what changes I needed to make. I also knew that taking care of myself was important and I had to be consistent with it.Β
For me, self-care is any activity that produces feelings of wellbeing. Dreaming and creating plans to work towards my goals is my ultimate idea of self-care. It gave me energy, passion and excitement!Β I’mm working on things that fulfil me and help other women, that’s so amazing to me! I also daily engage in self care that nourishes my mind, body and soul.Β
If you’re not spiritual or of a faith, “Soul” can be those things that give you the warm fuzzies, like an act of kindness, giving to charity or taking time out to help someone else. “Mind” are those soothing activities, reading, writing your thoughts down in a journal or lists, perhaps a time of silence. “Body” are the things that nourish us, like movement, what we eat and how we sleep. When we engage in activities that cover those 3 core areas you will experience an improved sense of wellbeing.
You can use the ideas in the free printable below to kick star your self-care regime. In the free newsletter members area, you can also find a mini self care planner. If you want to dive straight in you can find either my printable self-care planner or if you’re in the Uk the A5 wire bound self-care plannerΒ on Etsy.
So I had planned to write the post but the morning I intended to start I was hit by self-doubt and negative inner talk. I was struggling to get into my workout ( I danced to 90’s hip-hop in the end) and for whatever reason, I was letting the little things pile up. I decided that I needed to focus on what I had accomplished already, skills I had or ways I was helping others. I then decided to make this printable for you guys on celebrating your own success. Sometimes self care is as small as appreciating something you’ve already done, learnt, experienced.Β
So take some time and fill out 10 things you’re proud of! I’m sure you’ll feel loads better after that!