What to do when things go wrong in life or business
What to do when things go wrong in life or business
Bouncing back from adversity
In this episode, I talk about what we can do when things go wrong in our life or business.
The reality is that starting a business isn’t all smooth saily. It’s easy to focus on the glitzy results others are having and to think something must be wrong with you because things aren’t working out, or stop working the way they did.
I wanted to share from my own experiences how these challenges have been ‘Stepping Stones’ to something better.
I share some mindset shifts that have helped and currently helping me in my own life and business journey.
Use the prompts I share to journal deeper and find a way to use this challenge to move forward.
Visit the Etsy store for the “Pause Planner”
Digital: www.etsy.com/uk/listing/799561294/goal-planner-and-mindfulness-journal
Physical: www.etsy.com/uk/listing/807541402/goal-planner-and-mindfulness-journal