CROSS THE FINISH LINE WITH YOUR 2024 Goals - 4 week breaKthrough
Friend, if you’ve found yourself at the end of the year with dreams still on the shelf, you’re not alone. Many people set out with big goals, only to find life getting in the way. But here’s the thing: there’s still time to make progress, and you don’t have to wait until January to start!
I wanted to share a little more about the 4 week Breakthrough one to one Coaching package.
There are so many people with amazing dreams and goals who didn’t make the progress they wanted this year. They’ve written off the rest of the year and telling themselves they’ll do it next year.
I say #NoMoreWaiting to that, Your dreams deserve a chance! There is no perfect time. With some laser focus you can achieve a huge amount between now and January 1st! Some of your goals can actually be fully achieved in the next 4-6 weeks. For those larger goals, imagine how much better it feels to start the year already in momentum, clear on your goal and your roadmap ahead.
My coaching clients at the moment have general life and business coaching, which means each week they can bring anything. It’s been great for me to gain more experience – one week coaching on carrying yourself through a time of no job offers for over a year, then the next week a pregnant client who feels differently about her goals and realising she’s already changing as a person and mum to be.
My clients learn something every session about themselves or what they’re going through that gives them clarity and in turn take action. Recently I was thinking what would it look to have that every week but for ONE goal/area of life. Imagine the strides forward they’d take, the mindset shifts they’d had and see even quicker results. Choosing just one goal to be coached on means laser focus and accelerated results.
I love the book “The One Thing” by Jay Papasan and Gary Keller” The authors believe that when you focus on the one thing that matters most, you can achieve more in less time, save money, be more productive, and create a real impact.
I have done groups before but with the time scale I felt that having a 60 minute call a week JUST for your own situation would get quicker results than sharing in a group. I still love groups and will do something with them again but with just over a month until the New Year this feels like the best support to give. You also get a check in on Monday to set your tasks for the week and Friday to share what you achieved with me on Telegram. Monday to Friday you can also get coaching support through Telegram or use it for accountability by updating me on your progress. Whatever serves you best to take action.
This is a BETA pricing offer. As mentioned above I’ve never had a package with a one goal focus and I’m curious to see how it goes, I think it will get even better results and momentum! This price now is $140 for the 4 week package and will be at least $250 in the new year. It’s incredible value and if typical coaching prices have been out of your reach this is a great chance to experience one on one coaching support.
Printables opened up the doors to new possibilities for me. They kinda changed my life. My first printable on Etsy was a daily to do list for about $2. Printables opened the doors to new opportunities that I hadn’t imagine like getting a product feature in Psychologies Magazine, doing a workshop for Etsy in London, making creative skill based courses as well as lifestyle design, using my new skills to get freelance projects and clients around my own schedule and now coaching.
If you have a gift, a message or a story to share I think digital products are one of the best ways to start sharing those with the world!
If you do have a specific goal and it’s not related to that I’d still love to coach you, maybe it’s decluttering your home ready for Christmas!
So what is the 4 Week Breakthrough?
It’s a 4 week one on one coaching support and accountability package.
If you ever needed a cheerleader and coach for your dreams this is the package!
This coaching package is for women like YOU who are ready to push through the fear and take massive action towards your biggest goal for 2024—whether that’s launching a digital product, designing a planner, or sharing your story to make an impact.
In just four weeks, we’ll work together to break through any barriers, clarify your vision, and create the momentum needed to move you forward faster than you ever imagined. You also get Telegram support Mon-Fri to set your goals, get support and celebrate your wins at the end of the week!
BONUS: You’ll get video access to my quarterly planning system and my Dream Life Planner printable.
Coaching will take place between 15th Nov and 15th Dec. You can check the booking calendar to check there are workable dates HERE. You also book through that link, make sure to book all 4 sessions to confirm your place.
Any questions? DM me on instagram
Book me for just $140 – coaching slots are limited and I will close it out when it’s full or 15th Nov.
4 Week Breakthrough – starts 11th November – Book Your Place. *Slots Are Limited
Want To Know More About What Coaching Is? Please Check Out This Page Before You Purchase.