How to make a digital vision board for your phone with canva. This video screenshare teaches you how to use canva to make a digital vision board. i also explain what a vision board is and how using one can supercharge your goals.
How to make a digital vision board for your phone with canva. This video screenshare teaches you how to use canva to make a digital vision board. i also explain what a vision board is and how using one can supercharge your goals.
How to choose your word for the year 2020! In this post I explain what is a word for the year, how it can help and why you need one. I go through a 4 step process guiding you on how to review your year, brainstorm and choose your 2020 word for the year.
How to set your goals for 2020 (+ succeed!) In this video I go through 10 steps for setting your goals in 2020 for success! Download your free 2020 goal setting printable for this masterclass by joining the newsletter list
How to achieve your goals! 3 reasons you're not achieving your goals and what to do instead. In this video I'll go over 3 common reasons we dont reach our goals and 3 tips to overcome them. I cover things from what can help us be committed to our goals, what can help wire our goals into our brains[...]
In this Episode I cover an excersise about fear setting that is included in my Life Planner this lesson is included in my Life Planner members hub. When you buy your Life Planner you get bonus access to this hub full to videos and "how to's". We often set goals but not so much consider our fears. W[...]
This months guest is Charelle Griffith. She's a London based Marketer who shares her experience and business life. She talks about overcoming perfection and putting out your ideas. Done is better than perfect!
7 Steps to get unstuck & take control of your life Have you been feeling stuck, stale and frustrated? That exhausting sense that life is an endless hamster wheel, wake, work, chores, sleep, repeat. You used to have big dreams for your life and they’ve been left at the wayside. All you can thi[...]
Free monthly & weekly overview goals setting worksheets 3 TIPS TO ORGANIZE YOUR GOALS Make new years resolutions, Check! But what happens after January? Perhaps you make it to March, which research suggests is actually quite good going. But I don’t want you or me to[...]