In this episode I share about my experience of having a Christian based RMR session (Rapid Mindset Renewal) to process and face childhood painful experiences that are affecting me as an adult.
We all go through hard, painful or traumatic experiences as a child, our minds then create a story which we subconsciously hold through to adulthood.
We don’t always realise that childhood experiences are affecting us and causing blocks or resistance as we try to design our lives and go for our goals.
RMR which also comes in non religious forms or more spiritual based forms really is about uncovering the subconscious thoughts and feelings around particular childhood or past hurtful experiences then healing and processing them so they don’t affect us anymore.
You can also do this work by being curious about the challenges you face or the resistance you feel to taking action on your dreams.
I hope sharing my story helps you uncover some things that have held you back and start the journey of healing.
If you aren’t sure what you want form your life then I created Design Your Dreams to help other women do just that