Self Care – Create your own self routine
Free Self Care Printables & Workbook Guide to creating a self care routine
Self Care has become such a buzz word recently. There’s got to be a reason why. Is it that our fast paced lives are just too much for us? Perhaps we’re getting burnt out by always being ‘on’ being constantly hooked into tech, our work spills into our personal lives at a click of a button or a beep of a notification.
What ever the reason, the Self Care revolution is much needed. Mental health issues are on the up and a shocking percentage of the Western world is suffering anxiety and on medication. We have over 300 friends online but no one to call in a real life crisis.
Celeb culture continues to push out unrealistic images and standard for beauty, status & wealth. It can all seem so vapid and shallow. But there is a shift. A push back against the ‘climb the ladder, house and 2.5 kids, perfect body’ values and lifestyles. More than ever people are on a search to live wholly and fully. To use their unique gifts and talents to make a difference to their own lives and other. To live a life of purpose and intent.

A quest to find your own path
A quest for wellness, to be stress free, to turn off the noise. To make their own rules and create lives they truly desire.
As you search out your own life path where you feel free, passionate and intentional we want to offer tools and resources to help inspire, motivate and organise your life.
This is self care at it’s ultimate. To choose to take responsibility for your own well being. To be empowered to make changes in your life, to take responsibility and choose to keep moving forward towards your goals.
make self care a daily thing
To enjoy full wellness so it’s important to nourish your body, mind and soul. Brain storm and mindmap your own ideas of ways to help keep your mind light, body fuelled and soul nourished.
Use a monthly Calendar to plot out key events and ways to take care of yourself.
Getting something written down means you are more likely to keep to it.
Self care has an important part to play in day to day life.
Self Care helps reduce stress, refreshes your energy and promotes feelings of well being, calm and relaxation.

Use one of the weekly planner templates to plot out more details. The planner breaks down into 3 parts Body, Mind and Soul.
In each section fill out your self care plans to cover each of the 3 elements. It may
be hard when you’re busy but trying to do something daily across the 3 elements will make a difference to your mood and well being.
The benefits of gratitude
Each day take the time to structure your day. Thinking about what you’re grateful for creates feelings of well being and thankfulness.
It’s usually when we neglect to consider what we own and have achieved that the feeling of dissatisfaction comes in and the green eyed monster rears its ugly head. Thats why gratitude and gratefulness is such a help. Gratitude is the antithesis of envy and striving. As we spend time to focus on everything we already have and become thankful for it that gap lessens.
True gratitude means that what ever life situation we find ourselves in we can still be content and thankful in the moment and enjoy a sense of peace for what we already have and enjoy it.

The Importance of Planning
It’s so easy for the hours to slip away and be left with little to show for it! Without a plan we can find our time eaten up with small jobs or urgent chores. With a lack of focus we can take a reactive stance to our day rather than a proactive one. A reactive stance means your time is filled with other peoples requests or urgent but not important tasks that don’t drive your ultimate goal.
Without an overview bigger picture and focus for our life it’s easy to drift along. The days turn to weeks, into months then years. One day you wake up and realise you didn’t really achieve the things you wanted or show up in the world the way you dreamt of. Don’t let your life or dreams slip away. Take action and start your self care routine today!
Free gifts
I’d love to help you get started by gifting you this Printable of Self Care ideas and Guide to my self care planner which you can use to plan your self care and day. Click here.
If you want the full set below & other free printables around self care and more please visit the freebies page and sign up for the free library
To buy the full planner visit Etsy
TAGS:printable diaryprintable journalprintable plannerprintable planner self careself careself care plannerself care printable planner
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